URBAN STORYTELLING WEEKEND | 10 & 11 OCTOBER 2020 | Powered by Bureau Europa

Meet new and established makers and discover local legends at Once Upon A Town. We pay tribute to Maastricht, its inhabitants and the age-old tradition of passing on stories. This year’s theme? Maastricht Ways! Who is ‘de Maastrichtaar’ and what is their origin? What are their stories, memories, ideas and discoveries?

The city at its most (in)famous

Chat with the ‘proverb collectors’ at the library, listen to singing from factory roofs and meet the residents of Maastricht’s largest insect hotel. Discover the city’s creative living rooms while cycling, listen to stories in ‘The Invisible Collection’ in Marres or join Jan Janssen for ‘eve euze Geis opsjöddele’.

Gossip and legends

‘Come to Pixeltown’ or enjoy the documentary Shelter at Lumière Cinema. Visit two photographer friends in a studio above the old bookshop in Wyck or literally walk in the footsteps of Elisabeth Strouven. Of course, you must see the exhibition Jo Coenen, 40 Years of Working in Europe at Bureau Europa! On Saturday evening, you can unravel the gossip, legends and the dark past of Maastricht in the Dominicanen bookstore.

Discover all of this and more on the weekend of 10 and 11 October. If you’d rather stay at home, you can join the live-streamed events here at www.onceuponatown.nl.



Curious about the program? Then give a firm tap on the folder on the right with all (online) activities.


There are still some tickets available for the guided tours, walks and tours with the exception of “No rent ins eevekes!” In Dominicans and “In the footsteps of Elisabeth Strouven.”

Are you interested in a particular activity? Send an email to event@bureau-europa.nl and we will see what we can do for you!

Unable to attend?

Are you unable to attend? You are doing us a great favor by sending an email to event@bureau-europa.nl so that we can make your ticket (s) available to someone else!


What is your Maastricht story, legend, way, myth or ….?

A story lingers because it appeals to the imagination. They go much deeper than any fact. They tell more about a person, family, organization, entrepreneur, maker, building, city or area. Maastricht has a long history and every neighborhood and resident has its own history and traditions. Think of the ‘Third fisherman’ or ‘Doctor Sebastianus Magnus’ but also ‘Gek Netteke’, ‘The tunnel in the Boschstraat’ and ‘The man with the prayer cards.’ As part of the Storytelling Weekend ‘Once Upon a Town’ we are looking for (your) stories, myths, legends, sagas, fables or baker’s talk that make the city and its (temporary) inhabitants. These stories are often shared but rarely noted. We would like to change that!

Share your story!

Share your (personal) story, myth, legend or baker’s talk with us! This may be completely anonymous, but not necessary. The choice is yours! Everything is allowed and everything is possible, as long as it has a connection with the city of Maastricht and its manners. All submitted stories will be collected on this website and on our YouTube channel. Do you know someone with a story that should be preserved? Then register that person using the same form. Het Verbond selects 5 people from the entries for a digital interview. This interview forms the basis for a story that will be designed by 4 artists from Het Verbond and will be digitally immortalized in Pixeltown. Het Verbond selects five people with stories that must be preserved from the submissions for a digital interview. This interview forms the basis for a story that will be designed by 4 artists from Het Verbond and will be digitally immortalized in Pixeltown.


    In 2006 Bureau Europa was founded as NAI Maastricht, a satellite venue of the former Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAI) in Rotterdam. Since 2013, the organisation operates independently as Bureau Europa, platform for architecture and design.

     As a presentation platform and network organisation, Bureau Europa presents exhibitions, lectures, workshops, city tours, and other discourse-based activities in the field of architecture, urbanism, and design. From a societal perspective, Bureau Europa aims to advance knowledge production and talent development and operate within the realm of cultural significance. We articulate these aims in cultural projects at our institute and within the public domain. Bureau Europa’s focus is primarily on the common social agenda of Europe and the Maas-Rhine Euroregion.

     Bureau Europa’s programme seeks to activate and extend analysis about the designed environment, and we initiate collaborations and projects to convey narratives about our cities and surroundings. The topics we address include the structure of information, interiority and the city, food production, security and dissemination, the future of work, the history and migration of crafts (in relation to resource scarcity and technological acceleration), and new economies and old borders, to name but a few.